not able to connec to the internet

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Thu Jun 12 01:20:04 UTC 2008

Felipe DOMINGUEZ wrote:
> That will be the last thing :-) I will even spend money on another modem
> before going back. :-) :-)
> I really think is some thing with the modem I have. it has an Alcatel chip.
> The information provided by NoOp sais that the EciAdsl driver do not support
> the alcatel chip.
> I have found a driver that seems to support it,
> but I cannot compile it, it gives some errors.
> I think I will buy an ethernet mothem/ router, if possible something that
> is  wireless as well as wired :-)

You can do what I do...I have a DSL modem that connects via Ethernet to 
a SOHO router (linksys, dlink, whatever brand) and that router handles 
wireless and 4 ports wired for the network. Windows, Linux, OS 
X...doesn't matter. It's just an ethernet connection.


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