Forget Hardy

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Wed Jun 11 21:23:17 UTC 2008

ke, 2008-06-11 kello 10:38 -0400, Bart Silverstrim kirjoitti:
> Oliver Grawert wrote:
> > hi,
> > Am Mittwoch, den 11.06.2008, 09:54 -0400 schrieb Bart Silverstrim:


> >> You're talking about the spirit of Ubuntu. The spirit of Ubuntu doesn't 
> >> include encouraging ignorance and reliance on others. It means sharing 
> >> information and learning to make you a better person for the experience.
> >>
> > but also to get this information across in a respectful human way ...
> Dammit, there goes my brainworms idea. Respectful, but not quite human.
> Would it be fair to say you just want people to be nice in answering 
> questions unless provoked?  good summary, yeah? No?
> Again...I really don't think the concerns you're voicing are really 
> common on this list, but maybe I'm missing something. I'm not really 
> here to pick a fight with you :-)

You seem to be missing yourself. This is what you said yesterday:

"Everyone gets a lashing here at some point. You keep trying to learn
and grow a thicker skin and you'd be fine".


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