not able to connec to the internet

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Wed Jun 11 20:41:09 UTC 2008

Rashkae wrote:
> Felipe DOMINGUEZ wrote:
>> Some people suggested that I should buy another modem... but I donĀ“t see
>> way. it works well in windows and if I start that way then the question is
>> what else should I buy and where to stop.
> I can't comment on this particular device, but it is simple fact that
> not all hardware designed for Windows and/or mac with work with Linux.
> If you happen to have unsupported hardware, you will need to replace it
> with hardware that offers Linux Support.  (Something that is sometimes a
> real pain with Notebooks, as many of the devices are built in and not
> replaceable).  As a rule of thumb, hard drives, CD/DVD drives and wired
> network cards are almost all well supported.  Video cards/chipsets,
> Printers, Wireless networking devices* (especially this one), webcams,
> sound cards (looking at you, Creative, once the leader in open hardware
> standard for this catagory.. how far you've fallen), all need to be
> verified to be certain they are Linux Supported.  There's not much to do
> but contact the manufacturers and tell them you want Linux drivers for
> their equipment.  (One supplier even surprised me once by replying the
> same day that yes, their USB to serial adapters were supported by linux,
> told me which module to load, and suggested some models for me to purchase)
> When it comes to ADSL modems, they really should be Ethernet, and not
> USB, devices.  That way they are always guaranteed to work independently
> of any Operating system or software.

Again second that notion...this isn't a linux/Mac/Windows platform war 
thing, it's just a support issue.

Anyway, the modem it at all related to the modem listed at


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