Forget Hardy
Robert Holtzman
holtzm at
Wed Jun 11 16:37:42 UTC 2008
On Wed, 11 Jun 2008, Res wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Jun 2008, Steve Lamb wrote:
>> Res wrote:
>>> Then, since this list is "Ubuntu user technical support", and you are
>> Apparently my idea of technical and yours differ. It is in that
>> difference friction forms.
> I agree, whats regarded one thing in say the UK can and often does differ
> from that of Oceania which differs from Asia which differs from Eastern
> Europe which differs from Western Europe and differs yet again from the
> US.
> That is why people who only generate noise (those telling others to RTFM
> etc) should STF up and not comment if they dont wish to supply a newbie
> with an answer or assist them in a meaningful way. It would take these
> self appointed list mod net-cop loonies less energy to supply an answer
> than what it does most of them in their rantings. don't get me wrong
> there are some people who no-one can possibly help no matter what, and
> they would soon get the picture to do research if no-one reponds to them,
> I know you can not help those who can not help themselves :)
Another philosophy holds that spoon feeding answers only encourages people
seek more spoon feeding rather than making the effort to do their own
Bob Holtzman
Your mail is being read by tight lipped
Homeland Security agents who fail to see
the humor in Doctor Strangelove
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