Couple of minor problems with the Heron (8.04 LTS)

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Jun 9 02:01:39 UTC 2008

On 06/08/2008 04:11 PM, Jay Ridgley wrote:
> Folks,
> I have 3 systems running 8.04 LTS all at the same release level and have 
> a few questions:
> 1. Why when I double click a url in an e-mail doesn't it open up a 
> browser window?
> 2. When you download a file (such as RealPlayer11GOLD.bin) where does it 
> get placed? I tried doing a find after following the instructions in the 
> but the following commands yield nothing:
>     cd /
>     sudo find . -name RealPlayer11GOLD.bin -print (with or without 
> quotes around it.)

It is where _you_ told it to install during the installation process. My
guess would be something like:




to find it:

locate realplay

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