Broken disk partition -- please help
Karl Larsen
k5di at
Sun Jun 1 15:26:56 UTC 2008
Sameera Shaakunthala wrote:
> Hi all,
> Last week I was 'playing' (to experiment) with the grub-install and
> update-grub. And my stupid experiment damaged the dev/sda1
> I've lost my Windows boot partition. It's OK to lose Windows, but there were
> some of my university assignments and documents in that partition -- I
> really need it.
> /dev/sda1 - NTFS primary - C:\
> /dev/sda7 - linux-swap
> /dev/sda8 - ext3 - /
> gparted can recognize the partition as ntfs but can not calculate the free
> space
> ubuntu 8.04 can not mount the volume
> Windows boot cd recognizes the partition as an unformatted volume and asks
> to format it
> Will gpart help me? (I'm too scared to use it.)
> Please give me an idea of how do I,
> * recover the important files existing on /dev/sda1 ?
> or
> * restore the partition without losing existing data? (I think it's
> something with the MBR)
> I hate Windows, but I have to use it for some of my university assignments
> such as Visual Basic and C#.
> If somebody can kindly give me a solution, it will be a great help for the
> rest of my educational life.
> Thank you.
> * Sameera Shaakunthala
Concentrate on getting your windows back. Here are some steps to try
if you have Ubuntu running.
1. In a terminal please type this into it: sudo fdisk /dev/sda and after
you give your password it will come up wanting a command. The first
command is p. This will print your partition table. If it shows a fine
/dev/sda1 which I think it will, the next command is q.
2. If /dev/sda1 is fine then you want to use the Windows CD and select
that you want to fix windows. Put in the CD-Rom and reboot. When it is
up look for the way to fix your windows boot. It used to be you used
FDISK -mbr but it is now different.
3. Your windows should come up without grub. Now save the things you
need for school.
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
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