The Ubuntu Experiment

Chris Jones jonesc at
Wed Jul 30 18:50:34 UTC 2008


> Always.
>> I regularly have 3-4 different work projects on the go at once, all of
>> which have multiple applications and windows associated to them.
>> Isolating each project to one or two workspaces is an incredibly useful
>> way of keeping things under control.
> Except I keep all of my konqueror tabs in a single window - I suppose I
> could make konqueror appear on all desktops, or have a konqueror on each.

I run more applications than just konqueror ...

>> I must confess, multiple workspaces are such an intuitively good thing
>> IMHO, I find it hard to imagine anyone not using them ...
> I just find it simple enough to get to every window either by clicking on it
> directly or going to the kicker panel.

But then you have to remember which windows are associated to which 
task. As I said I reguraly have 3-4 software tasks ongoing, each with 
many different windows.

Placing all windows associated each task means I know when I go to that 
workspace, the panel only shows me the windows for that task (because I 
have told it not to group windows from all workspaces). Very convenient.

I know I'm presuming here, so on dangerous ground, but I feel you simply 
don't have as many open windows at once as me. If you did then a single 
workspace becomes really unmanageable.

> I'm sorry.  I'm a dinosaur.  Next you'll be telling me I should understand
> how facebook works. :-)

Workspaces aren't a new idea, they have been around for years. As long 
as I;ve been using UNIX ...

Nope. I don't 'do' facebook either... ;)


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