Accessing Windows XP programs in Ubuntu (was Re: The pest again)

Jeffrey Needle jeff.needle at
Mon Jul 21 00:49:44 UTC 2008

> > Sigh. I wish it were just a game.  I have a CD full of printed 
> > works that I like to refer to on an ongoing basis.  Should I use 
> > Wine to re-install the app?
> That can be done, but may not be necessary. The drive that contains
> your WinXP will need to be mounted in /etc/fstab to make it visible to
> Ubuntu. I have an NTFS partition on one of the drives on my Ubuntu
> box. With both read and write enabled you could then also update them
> from the Ubuntu side. What format(s) are they in?

It's a proprietary format -- the app is called GospeLink.  It's a
Mormon-based information center with access to hundreds of printed
works, and just invaluable.

> > I'm old enough to know that, if you're dumb about things, as I am, 
> > you may as well ask...<grin>
> LOL! You're in the right place. And the only dumb thing would be to
> suffer in silence, or to give up and go back to Windows not knowing
> any better.
> -- 

Ha!  Sure enough.

Incidentally, I typed /etc/fstab and got a message "Permission denied."
Do I need to place something else after the command to make it work?
Very exciting to think I might be able to access GospeLink again!

> --------------------------------
> Jeffrey Needle
> jeff.needle at

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