Is it a bug?

Mumia W. paduille.4062.mumia.w+nospam at
Sat Jul 19 07:10:07 UTC 2008

carmac at wrote:
> Hello,
>     I deleted two big files (about 2.5GB each) with restricted permission. Now I
> cannot empty the trash: it says permission denied. I cannot change the
> permission 'cause it says "cannot change permission on background"... I tried
> many different ways: put them back to Desktop, change permission and delet...
> It not works: the situation is the same.
>                   If someone can help me I'll be very gratefull.
>                                            Carlos

If you own the files, you should be able to change the permissions on 
them so that you can delete them properly, but you might need to 
logout/login first.

If it were me, I would not open any nautilus windows at all and delete 
the files using an X terminal, but that's me.

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