Get rid of old Gnome Desktop Settings?

Tim Tipton timothy.tipton at
Wed Jul 9 15:03:51 UTC 2008

Hey all,

I recently screwed up my gnome settings, I don’t know exactly how I did it – 
but the only thing that will come up when I boot into a gnome session is the 
background wall paper – no right clicking, no panels, no icons… alt-f2 doesn’t 
do anything either… So I logged out and log in with either xfce or kde and 
everything works there like it should… that was on gutsy…

Last night, I found a fix for the networking problem that my nvidia Ethernet 
interface card has with Hardy, so I took the plunge and updated, but (I’m 
assuming since I have /home on a separate partition) the same thing happens 
when I log into hardy – all I get is the old background wallpaper I had in 
gutsy and nothing else – my question is, is there a way to delete 
the .gnome .gnome2 or anything else that will basically reset my gnome desktop 
environment to factory in Hardy?  I was thinkgin I could backup all my /home 
and then just create a new user overwriting the /home partition and starting 
fresh – but that’s about 200 gig of stuff and I am hoping there’s an easier 

Thank you for any and all help you can provide!

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