sharing printer on XP for Ubuntu

pkaplan1 at pkaplan1 at
Wed Jul 9 02:54:51 UTC 2008

Not sure that I can solve this, but I think you're on the right track.  I had a similar setup prior to 7.04.  I am certain that "Print Services for Unix" was not necessary on the XP side, nor was the IP address; it was all done thru XP printer sharing and Samba.

Some thoughts:
As I recall, the printer name on the Ubuntu side was not as obvious as it should have been and it took me several tries to get it right.  Check your XP printer properties page and see if there is more than one "name" that you might use.

I'm also pretty certain that I had to pass a valid XP username and password to the printer config on the (K)ubuntu side.  (try a user w/ admin rights.)

Also check out the Ubuntu wiki and forums.

Good luck.
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Arun Shrimali" <arun.reso at>
> Dear All,
> I am trying to implement Ubuntu within the users of XP, where I am
> finding difficulty to print on shared printer of  XP, from Ubuntu
> node.
> I am using Ubuntu 8.04. One laserjet printer HP 1020 in installed on
> XP PC and shared. All the other XP pcs/users can print through that
> shared printer. But my Ubuntu PC could not detect that printer, I have
> tried through
> System > Administration > Printing > New Printer > Windows Printer via
> SAMBA > Browse
> I can browse the PC but could not detect the attached shared printer.
> I have even tried using IP address, but failed to detect the printer.
> Firewall is off at both the PCs.
> "Print Services for Unix" is also installed on XP PC.
> Can any body help me out to connect to shared printer.
> regards
> Arun
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