UpdateManager Ate My Soundcard!

David Armour d.f.armour at shaw.ca
Thu Jul 3 22:11:59 UTC 2008

Bart Silverstrim <bsilver <at> chrononomicon.com> writes:

> > Following a mostly-routine Update Manager process finished, 
> > ...I found my Hardy desktop had become mute. <snip>
> > I *have*  libflashsupport installed.

> I just had a similar issue, right after an update! Weird.

Thanks for your reply. I *does* help knowing one is not going through 
something uniquely. 

> I had to go in and keep playing with mixer settings until I could get 
> the ALSA control to my sound card chipset (and not the USB mics from 

I have played around, but with mixed success (groan), and the likelihood 
of doing something a) worse, or b) not remembering what I've done 
remains high, in my experience. Most of the settings don't make any 
sense to my non-audiophile ears.

> I had to install libflashsupport to get Firefox working with Youtube, 
> try completely removing then reinstalling libflashsupport?

No, but I can certainly give it a shot. Thanks again.

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