Book on Servers

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Thu Jul 3 13:00:25 UTC 2008

Alan Milnes wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>     I was asked to review a book almost done for those who want a server 
>> using Ubuntu. As I read the thing it became clear that ANY server has 
>> Administration issues and they are not just for Ubuntu. I read the part 
>> about making a email server and all of that is independent of Linux type.
>>     So I told the book company to not publish this book. If they want it 
>> to sell it it needs to be about Linux, not Ubuntu.
>>     What do you think?
> I think you made a mistake. People trying to learn need clear guidance 
> focussed on the distribution they are using. A generic book gets too big.

I think I'm curious how someone's picked to review a book on Ubuntu 
before publication by a publisher if you're not an established name in 
the publishing industry unless it's a book written by a friend who's 
trying to self-publish?...

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