How to properly compile a kernel?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Thu Jan 17 14:04:33 UTC 2008

On Do, 2008-01-17 at 14:26 +0100, Wolf Canis wrote:
> Oliver Grawert wrote: 
> > hi,
> > On Mo, 2008-01-14 at 18:18 +0100, Josef Wolf wrote:
> >   
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > I am trying to compile the kernel on my Gutsy box by myself.
> > >     
> > did you have a look at the documentation from the kernel team how to do
> > it with an ubuntu kernel ?
> > 
> >
> >   
> And there other sites too, but non of these are really working,
> because
> Cononical don't want that. You have to use they stock kernel.
> All these documentations are incomplete. 
what makes you think that ? the linux-source package contains the
complete kernel source. did you talk to the kernel team about it or
filed bugs for the doc-team if you think the documentation is worng ?

what interest should canonical have to prevent peoples hardware from
working ? why do you think does the ubuntu distro team waste space for
the linux-headers, build environment etc on the CD that could be filled
with shiny desktop apps ?

if there is the need to build your own stuff (i couldnt imagine why
there would be one to build the kernel itself though, since 99% of the
stuff you might need is modular and there are way better ways to get
working modules than to compile the linux package) you are surely able
to do it ...
> They have split the kernel in several packages:
> kernel-image, kernel-modules
these two are debian packages and have nothing to do with ubuntu (note
that ubuntu uses linux- as prefix for all kernel packages it uses).
linux-image will contain the same kernel and modules you get from 
linux-ubuntu-modules contains modules that are not likely to go to the source ever but are requested by users to make specific
hardware or software work. 
there is no linux-modules package (and there never was). 
the separating of the restricted-modules has licensing reasons that i
would expect to be obvious.

with all your complaints about the build system, did you think about
participating and improving it ? the kernel team would be happy about
every helping hand to make it easier for users, i'm sure ...

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