using other distro's repos?

Martin Marcher martin at
Mon Jan 14 22:16:55 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Caleb Marcus wrote:
>> Well, not really... you need to upload the .deb file to a repository to
>> have it automatically updated.
> Sure, but why would _anybody_ build a .deb package just for the sake of
> having a package?  I thought the "put into repository" part went without
> saying :-)

to be able to uninstall it. stow and friends aren't really that good with
stuff like that...

>> However, there are many advantages to
>> having a proper .deb file... if you have a .deb file, when you install
>> it on other machines,
> Then you have, in essence, established your own repository...

no, there are several more steps involved in creating/maintaining a
repository. still copying the file around by hand (or
mount /var/cache/apt/archives centrally) eases up a lot of work. After all
you _are_ able to uninstall it without much effort.


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