Where do gnome sticky-notes go at night?

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at comcast.net
Fri Jan 11 17:18:44 UTC 2008

Luis Mondesi wrote:
> On Jan 8, 2008 3:16 PM, David Armour <d.f.armour at shaw.ca> wrote:
>> Hello hive-mind,
>> A recent hard-drive up-grade went v. well, except for replacing the previous
>> Gutsy installs sticky-notes. The contents of the old hard drive appear to have
>> everything else of any consequence, but the only sub-directory that seemed a
>> likely candidate -- stickynotes (which naturally, I can no longer locate!) -- in
>> any case contained nothing usefully transferable to the new drive. I've googled
>> extensively for this information, to no avail. The StickyNotes info page doesn't
>> seem to list any viable contacts.
>> Has anyone recently needed to replace StickyNotes' content and can suggest how I
>> can recover my old notes?
> did you look under ~/.gconf* or ~/.gnome* ?
> they might be saved on some obscure XML file. if you copied your $HOME
> from one drive to the next (the right way. with tar/rsync or
> whatever), then you should be able to use gconf-editor to find the
> path to your sticky notes (assuming this program uses gconf to store
> its database. like all good Gnome apps do.)
> hope that helps

did you try

$ locate stickynotes
(or whatever the actual name of the program is..)  ?


Anthony Baldwin
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