Where do gnome sticky-notes go at night?

Luis Mondesi lemsx1 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 16:56:40 UTC 2008

On Jan 8, 2008 3:16 PM, David Armour <d.f.armour at shaw.ca> wrote:
> Hello hive-mind,
> A recent hard-drive up-grade went v. well, except for replacing the previous
> Gutsy installs sticky-notes. The contents of the old hard drive appear to have
> everything else of any consequence, but the only sub-directory that seemed a
> likely candidate -- stickynotes (which naturally, I can no longer locate!) -- in
> any case contained nothing usefully transferable to the new drive. I've googled
> extensively for this information, to no avail. The StickyNotes info page doesn't
> seem to list any viable contacts.
> Has anyone recently needed to replace StickyNotes' content and can suggest how I
> can recover my old notes?

did you look under ~/.gconf* or ~/.gnome* ?

they might be saved on some obscure XML file. if you copied your $HOME
from one drive to the next (the right way. with tar/rsync or
whatever), then you should be able to use gconf-editor to find the
path to your sticky notes (assuming this program uses gconf to store
its database. like all good Gnome apps do.)

hope that helps

Luis Mondesi
Maestro Debiano

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