using other distro's repos?

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at
Thu Jan 10 18:06:05 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Colin Brace wrote:
>> On Jan 10, 2008 7:31 AM, anthony baldwin <anthony.baldwin01 at>
>> wrote:
>>> Is it possible to enable repos from other .deb based distros?
>>> I'm also wondering if on an rpm based distro, if one can add repos from
>>> other distros. (ie, say you are using PCLOS, can you add fedora repos?)
>> These sound like recipes for an extended excursion through dependecy hell.
> This is beginning to sound like /The Divine Linux Comedy/:
> Part 1, Linux Inferno, in which the narrator mixes repositories;
> Part 2, Linux Purgatorio, in which the narrator learns the wisdom of
> choosing carefully;
> Part 3, Linux Paradiso, in which the narrator has a beatiful Kubuntu system
> (and a coffee).
>> If a program isn't in your distro repo(s), you download and compile
>> the source, non è vero?
> Preferably from the Ubuntu source packages
I'm continually disappointed by the lack of stuff in the PCLOS repos 
that we have in Ubuntu.
I wondered if I could grab such stuff from other rpm places, like 
fedora, mandriva, etc.
Ubuntu has almost every thing I need.

I know, I could hunt down rpms on line and install by hand...but, 
where's the fun in that?

Incidentally, I did request one pkg to be added to Ubuntu, just recently 
(which, oddly PCLOS does have).
How would I go about "doing the packaging myself", as someone suggested?
(I have the package on my system, but the world would be groOvier if it 
was in repo and, thus, maintained current
with apt).  It's written in java, if that makes a difference.
I suppose have to make the jar into a deb or something?
(Okay, okay...I'll get googling....suggestion are appreciated all the 



Anthony Baldwin - Translation & Interpreting - Linux for Translators

Así también, la lengua es un miembro pequeño, 
y se gloría de grandes cosas. 
He aquí, ¡un pequeño fuego ­cuán grande bosque enciende!

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