Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop Course is ready

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 8 17:36:43 UTC 2008

On 01/08/2008 09:05 AM, Peter Garrett wrote:

> That isn't the problem. 
> Winton is on dial-up, and therefore prefers to use wget - so would I.
> Downloading large files on dial-up from the browser is unreliable. wget
> solves that particular problem - it is both more reliable in general, and
> specifically more reliable for downloading with resume, which on dialup is
> *often* necessary. ( For example, until I got my current adsl2+ connection,
> I had a five hour limit on any given dial-up session, which is common, at
> least in Australia, for dial-up).
> Tony Arnold's post is right - in this case the URL needs to be quoted for
> wget to work.
> Peter

Ah... got it. In that case I'd recommend that he use gwget - the GUI
version (sudo apt-get gwget), as it will make it easy to start & the
wget at will; yes I know this can be done from the command line also,
but gwget makes it simple & will easily keep the session, or multiple
sessions even after closing gwget. Also using just the url in gwget
works - just copy & paste.

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