Error on Boot after install 0f 7.10 (GRUB Error 17)

Jay Ridgley jridgley2 at
Mon Feb 25 01:39:06 UTC 2008


I upgraded a 5.10 system to 7.10 by doing a new install. Prior to the 
install it was working fine I it was not broke...

After the install completed the initial boot resulted in an error 
reported by GRUB.

This is what gets displayed:

Booting from local disk

GRUB Loading Stage 1.5.

GRUB Loading please wait...
Error 17

HELP, please help...

I am using a laptop that I put 6.06 on recently, and it is my ONLY 
choice. So please pardon any and all mistakes in composition and protocol.

Jay Ridgley
jridgley2 at

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