Environment variables (it was Re: Gridsphere deployment)

Bob Holtzman holtzm at sonic.net
Fri Feb 22 06:09:47 UTC 2008

On Thu, 21 Feb 2008, Derek Broughton wrote:

> Bob Holtzman wrote:
> > I've been trying to export my ISP's NNTP server and can't get it to
> > persist. This looks like the reason. Does the information have to be
> > entered manually to persist or is there a way to make "export" work?
> > 
> > I am coming from a redhat environment and it looks like a debian based
> > distro has a learning curve for me.
> I'm not sure I understand the question.  "export" doesn't "persist"
> anything - in Debian or Redhat.  You always have to save it in some script
> to have the export available next session. I suppose one could always have
> a "logout" script that did that... (for instance, we have a ~/.bash_logout,
> where you could do "export >save-file-name", and then use "save-file-name"
> at login time to restore the settings) 
> I don't have a network connection to my CentOS system at the moment, but I'd
> be really surprised if the files you'd use on a RedHat system would be much
> different from the ones on Ubuntu.

It's been some time since I set up my last box (RH7.3 to give you an idea 
of how long ago it was) but I don't remember writing a script. I may not 
remember correctly but all I recall doing was running export <server>,but 
then the memory fails with age.

I could set up an alias to call out the server when I open the (text based 
news reader).

Bob Holtzman
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
 ......check the price of the beer!"

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