stupid question: custom kernel-deb for gutsy?!

thomas fisher studio1 at
Wed Feb 6 18:14:30 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 06 February 2008 08:22:22 Kristian Rink wrote:
> Folks;
> currently (for reasons I don't want to outline here), I am once again
> into building a custom kernel for one of our Ubuntu machines. Haven't
> done so in a while, so I searched the web for some explanations on what
> is "the ubuntu way" in gutsy to do that. Especially (as this machine is
> a notebook), I want to have the bootsplash and all these things right
> in place even with a new kernel.
> So far I found:
> - ... a bunch of tutorials relying upon make-kpkg, which seems missing
> on my system, and "kernel-package" (which obviously is to provide this
> very command) is "not found" as well in my gutsy repository.
> - ... a bunch of other tutorials relying upon "fakeroot
> debian/rules ..." in the kernel tree. Unfortunately, even while
> installing linux-source-whatever.deb including "Ubuntu patches", the
> debian/ folder is empty.
> So, I am kinda lost. :) Can anyone provide me with an idea how to
> (a) get kernel-package / make-kpkg installed on gutsy, or
> (b) get meaningful stuff to "debian/" to use this way, or
> (c) follow any other way to get a sane, stable kernel?
> Thanks and best,
> Kristian
  Search of this lists archives "kernel" or  "compil" 2007-12  and 2008-01 
will yield extensive pros - cons and howto.

Hope this helps

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