X won't start at boot with NVidia driver

Ed Jabbour ejbr at att.net
Tue Feb 5 00:50:35 UTC 2008

On Monday 04 February 2008 4:40 pm Sven Richter wrote:
> Am Montag 04 Februar 2008 19:43:19 schrieb Ed Jabbour:
> > Running kubuntu 7.10 on an HP laptop.  I downloaded the proper driver
> > from the Nvidia site and it installed with no error messages.  I ran
> > startx and no problems.  However, at a reboot, X would not start - screen
> > not found. I edited xorg.conf to load the vesa driver and got X.  The
> > NVidia driver will not run correctly until I delete a number of libnvidia
> > .so files and a few others from the /usr/lib directory.  It then installs
> > and startx works, but not at reboot.  The same process over and over.
> >
> > Any hints, pointers, etc appreciated.
> I had the same problem with the old nvidia binary 1.0x49 iirc.
> After booting i had to kill kdm, rmmod nvidia and the modprobe nvidia
> again.
> Aftwards x could be started.
> I assume i messed up some things cause i tried the drivers from
> the repos.
> Then in installed the new binary driver 169.09 and the problem was fixed.

Yes, that's the same run package I used.  I tried the nvidia-new-glx and a 
bunch of other stuff - that didn't work either.  So I ran the 169.09 package, 
removed all the nvidia stuff manually, etc. as above.  I don't dare shut down 
this machine, though.   Should I have "nvidia" in /etc/modules?  From where 
are modules loaded at boot, anyway?

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