Simple .gif editor

Ray Parrish crp at
Tue Dec 30 01:55:21 UTC 2008


I've been trying to find a good .gif editor, which can set the 
background to invisible for web images. I've tried to use Gimp for this, 
but when it "saves as" to .gif format it tells me that the gif plugin 
only supports grayscale images. Not good for my purposes. Also I can't 
figure out how to set the background to see through with it.

I've installed the Grokking Gimp book and will be looking through it, 
but I'd really like to find another editor that supports colored .gif 

I tried in Synaptic to find one, but searching on "image" yields lots of 
disc imaging programs, and of course the kernel images, but no image 
editors, "picture editor" yields no results at all, and "graphics" did 
the best, but unfortunately not the type of program I was looking for. 
[I did get a high end 2d/3d graphics editor with a game engine 
installed, but again, not what I was looking for/] 8-)

Thanks, Ray Parrish

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