Neither 8.04 or 8.10 will boot on my hardware so I am stuck at 7.10

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Sat Dec 27 21:45:53 UTC 2008

Jeff Silverman wrote:
> People,
> When I try to boot either 8.04 or 8.10 on my desktop, the boot process 
> takes about 20 minutes and eventually kicks me into busybox with an 
> initramfs prompt. 

You're trying to boot the LiveCD?

> I carefully checked the MD5 checksum before burning my CDs and did a 
> read after write when I burned my CD. I had the same troubles 8.04. The 
> system would take about 20 minutes and kick me into initramfs and 
> busybox. I can still run 7.10 just fine. I also tried using 
> all_generic_ide and rootdelay=130 in the boot string, no joy.

What makes you think it is a disk driver issue?

Matt Flaschen

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