Vim 7.2 on Ubuntu 8.04

David Curtis dcurtis at
Tue Aug 19 16:57:16 UTC 2008

Ashish Yadav wrote:
>> What? Vim 7.2 or Interpid?
> Vim of course

Well the Vim developer described the release as 'minor' as per your link 
to google groups.

>> Ubuntu has 6 month release cycles. Intrepid was "frozen" a while ago.
> I guess its 28'th August

Oops, you got me there. I swore I read somewhere Intrepid was frozen for 
updates and new packages. Also, even though Vim is "Ubuntu customized" 
the main devels could be waiting for a Debian update first.

>> the new Vim won't make it into Intrepid unless there are major bug fixes
>> over Vim 7.1x, ie. security, etc. File a wishlist bug for packaging into
>> the release next spring (but I'm sure the main devels know about it).
> There are security fixes.
The developer of Vim describes them as "security improvements". And 7.2 
as a "...minor release of Vim".

>> again, it's a ten day old release from upstream, give the devels a chance...
> It was a ten day old release for cygwin also.
Yes, from the Vim developers. If they maintained the Ubuntu Vim package 
you would see that ready too. (And would they also want to maintain 
Vim-Gnome and Vim-GTK et al.)

But who knows? Maybe it's in the works. I'm just giving you guesses on 
why it's not there. From your OP, why do you think Ubuntu "does not seem 
interested in it?" Just because it's not in the repo yet?

And also, If you really have to have it. File a bug on the package and 
get somebody's attention on it. Namely the package maintainer. Even if 
it doesn't go into Intrepid (and hardy-backports). Somebody might put it 
up in their PPA as a deb.


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