Vim 7.2 on Ubuntu 8.04

Ashish Yadav ashishyadav26 at
Tue Aug 19 15:11:38 UTC 2008

> What? Vim 7.2 or Interpid?

Vim of course

> Ubuntu has 6 month release cycles. Intrepid was "frozen" a while ago.
I guess its 28'th August

> the new Vim won't make it into Intrepid unless there are major bug fixes
> over Vim 7.1x, ie. security, etc. File a wishlist bug for packaging into
> the release next spring (but I'm sure the main devels know about it).

There are security fixes.

> again, it's a ten day old release from upstream, give the devels a chance...
It was a ten day old release for cygwin also.



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