Ubuntu Studio and raw 1394

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at verizon.net
Tue Aug 19 15:22:56 UTC 2008

       You helped me with studio install  and raw1394 problems. This 
might help some others.   
       I installed studio programs but not studio itself. I also 
installed Cinelerra.  All works well.  To run kino and capture from 
camcorder raw 1394 I found that studio lets you go  system- 
administration and Ubuntu studio controls  click box enable raw1394.
       Kino captures in root  when dv is captured just turn off by 
clicking box again and raw 1394 is no longer open. Then transfer video 
files to  my user file  and transfer permission.   Seems to work.   The 
reason I am doing that is  my  Dvd drive runs on fire wire and I don't 
know if that is raw 1394 or not.  If it is DVD files would in effect 
have root privileges ???

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