Ubuntu Studio and raw 1394

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 19 17:31:16 UTC 2008

On 08/19/2008 08:22 AM, Douglas Pollard wrote:
> Noop,
>        You helped me with studio install  and raw1394 problems. This 
> might help some others.   
>        I installed studio programs but not studio itself. I also 
> installed Cinelerra.  All works well.  To run kino and capture from 
> camcorder raw 1394 I found that studio lets you go  system- 
> administration and Ubuntu studio controls  click box enable raw1394.
>        Kino captures in root  when dv is captured just turn off by 
> clicking box again and raw 1394 is no longer open. Then transfer video 
> files to  my user file  and transfer permission.   Seems to work.   The 
> reason I am doing that is  my  Dvd drive runs on fire wire and I don't 
> know if that is raw 1394 or not.  If it is DVD files would in effect 
> have root privileges ???
>                               Doug

Looks like it's an ongoing issue with Kino:

These might be of interest:
[note: don't bother with the referenced wiki.linux1394.org link - it's
full of spam - the correct link is:
and kino forum is here:

Good luck & fair winds (I'm off to work the J105 NA's this week :-)

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