Any tutorials -RUTEBOOK
Joep L. Blom
jlblom at
Wed Aug 13 22:31:11 UTC 2008
Florian Diesch schreef:
> "Joep L. Blom" <jlblom at> wrote:
>> "cd /usr/share/doc/rutebook"
>> "gunzip rute.pdf.gz" so you just need to copy it.
>> You don't have to type rute.pdf.gz but type "gunzip ruTab}" (Tab is the
>> tab-key).
>> This will unzip rute.
>> Next see if you have the command acroread:
>> to do this type : "locate acroread"
>> This is the standard Adobe pdf-reader.
>> If it is available it normally is in a directory in your path.
>> Then, still in the directory rutebook type "acroread rute(Tab)" and you
>> can read the book.
>> If you don't have acroread you can use "evince rute.pdf"
> You can use just see to display any file from the command line. It
> automatically gunzips files if needed, so this just works:
> see rute.pdf.gz
> "see" uses mailcap to decide which app to use so if it uses a wrong one
> you need to add an entry to your ~/.mailcap. Most likely there is
> already one in /etc/mailcap so you just need to copy it from there.
> Florian
Thanks a lot! I didn't know the command "see", You're never too old to
learn something new! (with about 16 years of Unix/Linux experience).
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