ISO boot of latest 8.04

Verde Denim tdldev at
Thu Aug 7 15:07:09 UTC 2008

On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 10:44 AM, Gilles Gravier <gilles at> wrote:

>  Hi!
> Verde Denim wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 10:26 AM, Verde Denim <tdldev at> wrote:
>>  On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 10:04 AM, Verde Denim <tdldev at> wrote:
>>>  On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 9:51 AM, elmo <elmo at> wrote:
>>>>  Verde Denim wrote:
>>>> > I thought I saw another thread on this, but haven't been able to
>>>> locate
>>>> > it...
>>>> >
>>>> > I burned an iso image of 8.04 today, and when selecting 'Install', I'm
>>>> > getting a long list of errors such as
>>>> > SQUASHFS error: sb_bread failed at ...   And Buffer I/O error at
>>>> device sr0
>>>> >
>>>> > Is this the iso or is this pointing to a different problem?
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks for any input...
>>>> >
>>>> > Jack
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>>  Could you describe exactly how you "burned the iso image" ?
>>>> Did you copy the iso to a disk or did you use a CD burner that has a
>>>> burn
>>>> iso inage function?
>>> Used Nero - burn an image file to disc function -
>>> The first time at highest speed. After reading the Launchpad reports (see
>>> Steve's reply), I burned another disc at 4x. I'm trying the disc burned at
>>> the slower speed now.
>> Update: No joy. Same errors (SQUASHFS and I/O errors).
> Update 2: I shut off the splash to see the messages - as soon as the boot
> sequence loads squashfs (dated October, 2007) the install borks - sarts
> throwing the same errors I've seen before. I think there is something wrong
> with the 8.04 iso on the Ubu site. Does anyone know where I can get an iso
> of 7.10? If that would work, I can always do the dist-upgrade to get to the
> latest release...
> The ISO works fine. Check the MD5 hash of your ISO... and compare to what
> the site says.
> If you have the 8.04.1 i368 desktop, your MD5 hash should be :
> c69e34e92d5402d1b87e6babc739f774
> You may be having other problems. How much RAM does your system have?
> Have you tried downloading the "alternate" CD? Works with smaller, and
> sometimes more exotic machines.
> Gilles.

I have the 8.04 i386 desktop iso. I'm currently installing win on the box,
just to see if it's hardware. This same error has been reported in launchpad
(and apparently hasn't been dealt with yet, since I read a few instances of
this). I've the various workarounds (pcmcia=nomsi, ide=nodma, remove the
splash) but no joy there either. I'll check the md5 of the iso file on my
other ubu box and see what that brings, although i've burned three different
downloads from three different mirrors, and they all say they have defective
files on the cd - using different burners. It's beginning to make me wonder
about the iso being distributed.

The machine is a Dell Dimension 4500 with 1GB of RAM and a 80GB IDE drive.
At this point it's a stock machine that was running 7.10 until the drive

I haven't tried any other iso's since at the moment I'm out of blanks... :)

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