Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at
Tue Aug 5 03:24:07 UTC 2008

Leonard Smith wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-08-04 at 22:41 -0400, Jake wrote:
>> Ok, I've been through this so many times, "you have to press ESC", "Is
>> there", well no, its not, can anyone just PLEASE tell me how to
>> UNINSTALL Ubuntu, so I can get on Windows XP and re-install Ubuntu to
>> dual boot, Please do not tell me that I don't have to uninstall,
>> because the fact of the matter is, I really need do, so Please help
>> me.. 
>> Help Greatly Appreciated, Jake
> I'm assuming Ubuntu is booting fine. If so, you will need to do some
> checking in order to verify that you still have WinXP on your system.
> 1. Go ahead and post your menu.lst file. You may have a line commented
> out that is preventing the Windows XP option from showing.
> 2. Open a terminal and type 'fdisk -l'. Copy the output and post it.
> This will list your existing partition information. You can also use
> 'gparted' to view it in a gui, but it may not be installed on your
> system. (to install type 'sudo apt-get install gparted' in a terminal).

I don't get it....

The guy asks a simple question..."How do I unscrew a light bulb and screw in 
a new one?" and folks are giving out instructions to build a light bulb factory.

It is a simple question with a simple answer.  Not everything is rocket science.

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