intrepid and nvidia

David Fox dfox94085 at
Sun Aug 3 01:27:38 UTC 2008

On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 6:19 PM, Carl Karsten <carl at> wrote:

> Um, not sure.  I have never had to do what i would call 'compile' - like
> make/make install - but I guess maybe the installer does stuff?  what I did do:

You probably want something like nvidia-kernel-source that matches the
kernel you installed.

The approach I took basically got nvidia-kernel source,
nvidia-kernel-common (for the kernel space part of the driver) and
nvidia-glx (the userspace part) and then did a module-assistant
auto-install on the nvidia-kernel-source part, and then install the
nvidia-glx part. It wasn't too difficult to get working early on, and
worked fairly well (except for minor text glitches, which I still get
when I initially start X up, but can be done away with by ctrl-alt-F1
followed by an alt-F7.

Recently, however, I had a system failure and had to reinstall a bunch
of stuff. I never was able to get the nvidia driver back, so I went
and downloaded the nvidia 173. driver from nvidia's own site and
installed that. Now it works, but doesn't (and seemingly can't) start
on boot. I have to go in and sudo insmod to get the module to load.

Perhaps I'll open up a new message for that.

> Carl K

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