Win98 -- all kidding aside

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at
Fri Aug 1 14:42:13 UTC 2008

Res <res at>  said:
> And yes, you wont often see me make helpful posts in public, I prefer
> to email my responses in private as i have no need to beat my chest
> like certain persons around here do. Those I've helped knowq it and
> they are the ones that count nobody else.

Has anyone within range of this mail /ever/ been helped by Res and
thanked him in private email? Please, speak up, we'd like to know that
he has at least /one/ redeeming value.


Maybe you got just a little bit of help from him?


Cybe R. Wizard -anonymous coward, just like Res (who?)
Linux User # 126326
Ubuntu User # 2136

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