banned by ip

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Wed Apr 30 22:39:46 UTC 2008

Arthur wrote:
>> it's a two-edged sword.  It hides traffic so people can smuggle
>> information out of countries where saying your government's leader is a
>> bloody moron can get you killed, but on the other hand it can mean you
>> unknowingly are trafficking child porn.
>> Interesting project, though.
> I completely agree. & thats exacltly what i was trying to say & nobody could
> understand. if i have a gun in my pocket it doesn't mean I am a killer ... i
> could be a police officer ? but you don't know because you don't know me.

Okay...take this as you will, but...

If you print out what you've sent to this group, and read them as if 
nobody here knows you, mainly because the people here probably 
don't...your postings made absolutely no sense, and definitely did not 
have anything to do with whether you're shady because you run TOR.  Your 
first post, correct me if I'm wrong, had the subject "banned by IP", and 
the body consisting of "is there a solution?"

Somehow, that meant you liked to run TOR and not because you're 
trafficking kiddy porn.

...okey dokey.

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