minimum RAM for Ubuntu
glgxg at
Tue Apr 1 03:57:36 UTC 2008
On 03/31/2008 06:50 PM, debiani386 wrote:
> Hilary Naylor wrote:
>> I'm trying to install Ubuntu (or Edubuntu) on a Dell latitude CPt laptop
>> that was donated to my school. The installation stalls at the point where
>> there is a brown rectangle on the screen and the icon for Nautilus appears.
>> The laptop has only 129MB RAM (and a 6GB hard disk). Is this the reason it
>> is stalling? Is there a minimal version of Ubuntu I could use? I am afraid
>> that more RAM for the laptop will be too expensive.
>> thanks
>> Hilary
>> ----
>> Hilary Naylor
>> Technology Coordinator
>> Parker Elementary School
>> Oakland, CA
> The latest stable ubuntu requires atleast 256 mb ram. You _may_ be able
> to run the latest ubu on the current machine, but it will take a lot of
> swap space. But ubuntu will fit just fine on a 6 gig. I do recommend
> upgrading the ram and hard disk though for better performance.
> The reason it is stalling is because you dont have enough ram to run it
> from the live cd. If you wish to install it on your current
> configuration, you need to get the alternate install (a text based
> installer).
> Now if you really have to, you could use ubuntu 6.06 LTS as it is still
> supported
> --cj
Good advise - however Hardy and Gutsy install just fine w/128MB ram
using the Alternate CD - I just did a fresh install of Hardy Beta (Gnome
regular desktop) on the IBM ThinkPad A21M 800Mhz w/128MB and it pops up
just fine - albeit very slow as would be expected.
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