Cannot connect to ultravnc server

Pete Holsberg pjh42 at
Tue Sep 4 18:45:00 UTC 2007

NoOp pounded out the following on his or her keyboard on 9/3/2007 8:09 PM:
Pete Holsberg
Columbus, NJ

Maxim for the Internet Age: The e-mail of the species is deadlier than 
the mail...
>  On 09/01/2007 09:28 AM, Pete Holsberg wrote:
> > I have UltraVnc running (under WINE) on a Xubuntu 7.04 box but when
> > I try to connect to it, I get a popup box that shows a status of
> > "Negotiate Protocol Version...".
> >
> > It also shows the VNC Server IP address, the port (5900), a speed
> > of 123 kbps and 0 traffic.
> >
> > What have I configured incorrectly?
> >
>  I've not been able to get it to connect when running the server under
>  WINE. Even resetting the port to 5901 or some other port number and
>  stopping other vnc services such as vino etc. If I set to prompt to
>  ask I can tell that the connection is being made (the prompt will
>  come up on the server machine), but after that it simply closes.

With no port number, the linux machine asks for a password. As soon  as 
I enter it, it quits.

>  I use the UltraVNC client and krdc when connecting to UltraVNC
>  windows machines and it works great. However, coming the other way
>  from another linux machine to linux machine I just use krdc (even
>  though I use gnome - it's a *much* better client than Gnome-RDP).
>  Krdc also works much better when vnc'ing into a windows box that is
>  running UltraVNC -- the only thing that you can't do with krdc is
>  file transfer and chat.

File transfer is vital for me.

>  Any particular reason that you are trying to run the UltraVNC
>  _server_ on your linux box?

So I can log into it from my Windows machine.

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