Cannot connect to ultravnc server

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Sep 4 00:09:14 UTC 2007

On 09/01/2007 09:28 AM, Pete Holsberg wrote:
> I have UltraVnc running (under WINE) on a Xubuntu 7.04 box but when I 
> try to connect to it, I get a popup box that shows a status of 
> "Negotiate Protocol Version...".
> It also shows the VNC Server IP address, the port (5900), a speed of 123 
> kbps and 0 traffic.
> What have I configured incorrectly?

I've not been able to get it to connect when running the server under
WINE. Even resetting the port to 5901 or some other port number and
stopping other vnc services such as vino etc. If I set to prompt to ask
I can tell that the connection is being made (the prompt will come up on
the server machine), but after that it simply closes.

I use the UltraVNC client and krdc when connecting to UltraVNC windows
machines and it works great. However, coming the other way from another
linux machine to linux machine I just use krdc (even though I use gnome
- it's a *much* better client than Gnome-RDP). Krdc also works much
better when vnc'ing into a windows box that is running UltraVNC -- the
only thing that you can't do with krdc is file transfer and chat.

Any particular reason that you are trying to run the UltraVNC _server_
on your linux box?

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