installing Ubuntu

Steve Grace sgrace at
Sat Oct 13 14:59:11 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 22:02 -0700, davig wrote:

> i want to install Ubuntu, but i'm not sure if my windows xp (sp1) files and
> apps. will stay on the hard(dual-boot Ubuntu/windows Xp)

Your Windows files will stay if you're careful during the installation.
It's best to have a backup, though.

Assuming a "typical" installation with just a C:\ partition, one way of
doing this is to defragment your Windows partition and then reduce the
partition's size (there's a Windows utility to do that). You can then
install Ubuntu in the empty space. You could also do what I did and add
a second hard disk for Ubuntu.

I'm sure others will chime in with their ideas.

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