apps without frames

Jeffrey F. Bloss jbloss at
Sat Nov 17 00:54:54 UTC 2007

2g wrote:

> 1st of all
> am looking for a terminal that has no frame around it
> so that it can look like floating on a wallpaper(or like a hole)

There's a utility called devilspie that runs as a userland daemon and
allows you quite a bit of control over the "look and feel" of
individual windows including undecorating them. I believe devilspie is
in Universe. 

Here's a howto on doing exactly what you want it seems, albeit using
gnome-terminal. I wouldn't imagine any terminal emulator that could be
made transparent under Fluxbox couldn't be used likewise.

     \|/          A mathematician is a device for turning
    (O--)                   coffee into theorems.
-oOO-(_)-OOo---------------------------------[ Paul Erdos ]---

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