what´s taking up all this space on my hdd?

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at comcast.net
Fri Nov 16 18:21:12 UTC 2007

I'm just a bundle of joy this week, eh...
This is really, really weird.

I'm running Dapper, right, and I decided to try feisty, so
I stuck in the livecd and made a partition and installed feisty.
I used about 140gb of my drive.  I figured I'd hang out with feisty and
leave dapper as a backup, or something.
I left my dapper install on about 45 gb.

Then, I decided that I'd rather stick with dapper...

So, I stuck the live cd back in, and deleted the feisty partition,
resized my dapper partition to 140, made a new 45gb partition
and installed feisty on that little partition, just for back up.

Now, kdiskfree, the gnome disk thingy, and every other indicator
is telling me that the dapper partition of c. 140gb has only 8gb
of free space, even though it only identifies about 30gb
of contents on the partition (most of which is my large collection
of excellent Brazilian music...and tonso documents I've translated over 
the past year).
So...if I only have 30gb of stuff on a 140gb partition, why
do I have only 8gb of free space on said partition?
What´s taking up the other c. 102gb of space?
Dryer elves storing my lost socks?

This is freaking me out, man...

you dudes rock
thanks for all the help


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