[Feisty 7.04] System Log doesn't work and question about System Restore

Caleb Marcus caleb.marcus at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 05:44:39 UTC 2007

All your program settings are stored in your home folder. Simply copying
your backed-up home folder back to the new system will restore all your
program's settings.
On Thu, 2007-11-15 at 22:10 -0500, John Toliver wrote:

> Thank you for responding to my original posts.  I completely missed the 
> responses you gave which is why I am now responding.  I appreciate the 
> push in the right direction.  I just gave up and installed Gutsy.  I 
> test the user log and it works so maybe my burned CD was bad.  I don't 
> know.  I will still go over the information.  I'm not criticizing but I 
> come from a windows background, so what do I do if (when) Ubuntu 
> crashes, either by itself, or because I do something dumb and damage it?
> Is it possible when I backup my home folder to save the settings that go 
> with each program I have installed, so that when I reinstall the 
> programs recognixe the configurations from the old installation.  
> Basically does some document on system recovery exist on steps to 
> perform etc.  Does the install CD have some repair commands to use etc?
> Thank you for your responses.
> Charlie Kravetz wrote:
> > On Mon, 2007-11-05 at 07:52 -0500, John Toliver wrote:
> >   
> >> I have a thinkpad T23 with 1GB and 30GB HDD running Feisty 7.04:
> >>
> >> I just installed 7.04 as a test thinking it wasn't going to work and
> >> wanted to do it just for fun.  I was surprised that the installation
> >> actully went over smoothly and was getting comfortable into the system
> >> when I ran into a problem.  Apparently Linux has this wonderful
> >> feature (user auditing I think?) that records the actions of each user
> >> and I though the output went to the system log. 
> >>
> >> 1. The system log will open for a split second when clicked on and
> >> then dissappear.  No way I can think of to make it work and I would
> >> like to fix this.
> >> 2. Is the system log where I want to go to see a log of all the
> >> changes I have made to my system over a period of time, for example if
> >> I were to need to undo a configuration change I made etc.? 
> >>
> >> 3. Does linux have the equivalent of system restore? (if yes what is
> >> the equivalent?)
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance for answering my questions...
> >> -- 
> >> Patience yields far greater results than brute force or rage ever
> >> could so relax......it's just life !!! 
> >>     
> >
> > I´m sorry, I forgot to address the question of system restore. No, linux
> > does not have such. Generally, you will need to keep a backup of
> > important data, such as your /home files. The really great thing is,
> > linux is stable compared to windows. It does not crash like windows, and
> > unless you run the latest that is still in test, you probably will never
> > need that backup. Since May 2005, I have yet to lose any data in Ubuntu.
> > Keep in mind, though, the latest versions are normally not considered
> > ready for machines that absolutely cannot lose data. For that you should
> > use the LTS versions, which at this time is Ubuntu version 6.06-01,
> > Dapper Drake. The next Long Term Support Ubuntu will be next year. These
> > versions have a minimun of three years support for the desktop, 5 years
> > for the server.
> >
> > I hope this provides some answers.
> >
> > Good luck,
> >
> >   
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