screen wavy after upgrade to Feisty - refresh rate? can't config display in kcontrol...

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at
Thu Nov 15 23:05:42 UTC 2007

Caleb Marcus wrote:
> I'm not sure I understood your message correctly, but if you're thinking 
> that Gutsy is the "unstable" release and Dapper is the "stable" release, 
> that's incorrect... both are stable, but Dapper is LTS, which means it's 
> supported for longer.

I thought every other release was more experimental, being
Edgy, and now Gutsy, and the others (dapper and feisty)
were the more "stable (I guess longer support then?).
I´ve been known to use the same os version for nearly two
years, so long as their are updates...
Like I said, for me, if it ain't broke, why fix it?
I don't need a lot of eye candy and entertainment stuff (except
xmms to listen to tunes while I work).  I need to be able to edit and 
translate documents, communicate online...stuff like that.
I try to keep it simple....One more reason why gnu/linux beats the
pants of windows...I don´t have to have all kinds of unnecessary garbage
on my machine everytime I install an os.


translations: EN, FR, ES, PT
Version: 3.12
GL d- s-:-- a C+++ UL++ P L+++ E---- W++ N+ o- K- w--
O- M+ V- PS++ PE-- Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 X+ R tv b++++ DI D----
G e+++ h---- r+++ y++++

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