screen wavy after upgrade to Feisty - refresh rate? can't config display in kcontrol...

Caleb Marcus caleb.marcus at
Thu Nov 15 22:23:02 UTC 2007

I'm not sure I understood your message correctly, but if you're thinking
that Gutsy is the "unstable" release and Dapper is the "stable" release,
that's incorrect... both are stable, but Dapper is LTS, which means it's
supported for longer.
On Thu, 2007-11-15 at 11:40 -0500, anthony baldwin wrote:

> Aart Koelewijn wrote:
> > Op do, 15-11-2007 te 08:01 -0500, schreef anthony baldwin:
> >   
> >> Robert Spanjaard wrote:
> >>     
> >>> On Wed, 14 Nov 2007 13:07:03 -0500, anthony baldwin wrote:
> >>>
> >>>   
> >>>       
> >>>> Oi colegas,
> >>>>
> >>>> Since upgrading to Feistry from Dapper yesterday, I am noting that
> >>>> the screen is wavy.  That's the best way I can think of to explain the 
> >>>> phenomenon.
> >>>> The image appears to oscillate at a rapid frequency and short wavelength.
> >>>> I've made no changes to vidcard, etc. since dapper,
> >>>> but I am operating at a slightly higher screen res.
> >>>> I can't find where to alter the screen res in kcontrol (using Kubuntu, sim).
> >>>> I can ignore it while doing lots of stuff, but, considering that I am a 
> >>>> translator
> >>>> and spend all day working with written text, and the text is doing this
> >>>> (I can read fine, but), it is giving me a headache.
> >>>> I suspect it has something to do with the refresh rate.
> >>>> Should I be looking at than in my xconf stuff?
> >>>>     
> >>>>         
> >>> What kind of screen do you have? If it's a CRT (with a tube), it can be
> >>> caused by some other electrical device sitting close to the screen.
> >>> I've had the same problem with a pair of speakers once, and the waving
> >>> stopped when I removed them.
> >>>
> >>>   
> >>>       
> >> Oh yeah, I know what you mean.
> >> It´s kind of like that, but not quite as drastic.
> >> The oscillation is at a very short wavelength, fairly rapid frequency.
> >> My monitor is an acer flatscreen lcd.
> >> It wasn´t doing this while using dapper just before upgrading to feisty,
> >> so, I assume something in feisty changed something, rather than
> >> any environmental factor.  No environmental factors have changed.
> >> Good guess, though.
> >>     
> >
> > In /ect/X11/ you still might have an old xorg.conf.2007*. Compare that
> > with your present xorg.conf. You may find differences which could
> > explain this change in behaviour.
> >
> > Aart
> >
> >
> >   
> You know, I probably can find the old xorg.conf on the dapper install,
> which still exists on another partition.
> That's right, I'm dual booting dapper and feisty.
> When I'm satisfied that all is well with feisty, I will either
> delete the dapper partition and reclaim the space, or install
> Gusty gibbon on it.
> I have a big hdd with lotso space, so, I just split it up.
> I'm usually slow to upgrade my os, though.
> For me, if it works, I don't want to fix it,
> and, I'm not skilled enough to help work out bugs,
> and too busy, anyway, I need stability, so,
> prefer to upgrade after a new version has more or less
> been well stabilized.
> Dapper worked very well for me.
> I never even tried edgy.  I like to stick to stable releases.
> Of course, that´s all kind of OT, idn´t it.
> thanks
> tony
> -- 
> Version: 3.12
> GL d- s-:-- a C+++ UL++ P L+++ E---- W++ N+ o- K- w-- 
> O- M+ V- PS++ PE-- Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 X+ R tv b++++ DI D---- 
> G e+++ h---- r+++ y++++ 
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