Do i need to establish a dialup connection?

lu sy bakut2002 at
Wed Nov 14 15:35:13 UTC 2007

Hi all,
  I have just installed the Xubuntu. I am currently using 
  (a) Aztech4-Port Ethernet USB Wireless-G ADSL Router + modem.
  (b) iconnect 802.11b wireless usb adapter
  (c) My ISP is running a 512 Broadband.
  When i was using the microsoft windows, after there is a wireless network connection, i still need to click on an internet icon that requires me to key in my username and password before i can access my Internet Service Provider and eventually get online.
  Now, in Xubuntu, do i need to establish a dialup connection using the pppconfig & pon/poff, or the gnome-ppp to log in my username and password? ( I read this in the DialupModemHowto/SetUpDialer). This seems to be the only place where i can log into my ISP !!
  Is there any other place in xubuntu where i can log onto my ISP?

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