How do I disable a network interface in Gutsy

David Vincent dvincent at
Sat Nov 10 23:56:54 UTC 2007

Rashkae wrote:
> Charlie Kravetz wrote:
>> Go to System --> Administration --> Network, select the interface you
>> want to disable, and select properties. Uncheck ¨Enable roaming mode¨,
>> select ¨Configuration:¨ what mode you use (normally ¨Automatic
>> configuration (DHCP)¨, then ¨OK¨. Now you can enable/disable that
>> interface by placing a check mark in the square to the left of the
>> interface. When you enable it, Network Manager will connect it.
> I can see where the interface needs a bit of work, but that works, 
> thanks :)  Now if only there was a way to turn Network Manager itself on 
> off on the system, I would consider it ready for release.  (Do I 
> understand correctly that the intergration of NM into the system without 
> a service init script is actually a Ubuntu 'inovation' over the base 
> package?  strange)

you should have asked earlier if you wanted to disable nm!  :)  look here:


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