How do I disable a network interface in Gutsy

Rashkae ubuntu at
Sun Nov 11 00:13:42 UTC 2007

David Vincent wrote:

> you should have asked earlier if you wanted to disable nm!  :)  look here:

Aye, I actually found that one myself.  Forgive me if I'm... 
underwhelmed, by the thoughtfulness of the system as a whole.

Don't get me wrong, I think NM is great and a much needed tool.  I also 
think it needs simple start stop mechanism...

I think I see where ubuntu is going, insofar as they are ditching the 
old init.d scripts in favor of the shiny new event based system, which 
is all good, but an easy to configure standard method of controlling 
'services' needs to be standardized and adhered too.

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