Feisty Fawn Removed
Dave Woyciesjes
woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 5 20:26:35 UTC 2007
Carl Spitzer wrote:
> If you have good access why not download gparted the distro and create
> one small partition for Winblows XP say 4.1 gig just enough for a low
> density DVD plus a small Win32 partition for file exchange between
> systems. Then use the rest of the disk as an extended partition with
> logical within for Linux.
> Gparted is just like PM in look and feel so even a windows person can
> use it. It is a live CD so your save and there is a commit / apply
> button you must click to make changes so your safe.
That is good option, except that in the beginning (IIRC) he said he
wanted Ubuntu _gone_ from the machine; and go back to only WinXP.
--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes
"From there to here,
From here to there,
Funny things
are everywhere."
--- Dr. Seuss
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