Feisty Fawn Removed

Carl Spitzer cwsiv at keepandbeararms.com
Sat Nov 3 16:34:12 UTC 2007

On Sat, 2007-11-03 at 11:08 -0400, Jacob wrote:
> On Sat, 03 Nov 2007 13:01:28 +0000
> "K Theodor" <four27bc at msn.com> wrote:
> > 
> > -
> > Thanks for the feedback.
> > 
> > >	Yep, this is the route I would take. Boot from the WinXP Pro CD, and
> > >install. You should get the option to delete all existing partitions,
> > >and create one new one.
> > 
> > By creating a new partition, will it mean that the boot manager will also 
> > disappear? Or will I continue to choose between Windows XP Pr and Feisty 
> > Fawn?
> Windows doesn't like Linux - if you tell it to delete all the partitions, 
> and make its own, it'll happily do so. In other words, every trace of 
> Linux (even GRUB) will be gone with the instructions you replied to. :)

If you have good access why not download gparted the distro and create
one small partition for Winblows XP say 4.1 gig just enough for a low
density DVD plus a small Win32 partition for file exchange between
systems.  Then use the rest of the disk as an extended partition with
logical within for Linux.

Gparted is just like PM in look and feel so even a windows person can
use it.  It is a live CD so your save and there is a commit / apply
button you must click to make changes so your safe.


           o                     _______________________________
         o      _____            |  CWSIV at KeepAndBearArms.com  |
       .][__n_n_|DD[  ====_____  | M A R K L I N   T R A I N S |
     >   (________|__|_[_________]_|___________________________|
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