openoffice 2.3 crashes with emerald?? (previously, Re: openoffice hangs on start up)

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Nov 5 19:45:02 UTC 2007

On 11/05/2007 06:46 AM, Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
> Okay, today, I have a strong feeling that OpenOffice 2.3 on Ubuntu
> 7.10crashes with Emerald theme manager. To be more precise, OpenOffice
> Presentation will hang on its start-up procedure - I can only see the
> openoffice splash screen image, but cannot see OO wizard or anything like
> that. But, OpenOffice Writer and Spreadsheet works fine.
> Is there anyone who has same experience with me on this?
> (And, hopefully, anyone who can give an advice to resolve this?)
> Thanks,
> Soo-Hyun

Perhaps file an emerald bug:

or openoffice bug:

Does it crash using any other themes?

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